About Us
Shree Gurubhyonamah !
By divine grace of Sharadamba and guru Shankaracharya , on the auspicious occasion of our Maha Sannidanam His Holiness Shri Bharathi Theertha Mahaswamiji's 71st Vardhanthi celebration, our youth team is very excited to present first issue of Jnana Parampara.
Idea to start a newsletter germinated among our youth team sometime in December last year after successful completion of Hindu Heritage day celebrations. Fast forward 4 months, here is Jnana parampara, the quarterly newsletter of SVBF Canada's youth wing.
Our youth team aims to make this newsletter as a platform to inspire the youth and young adults to learn and understand principles of Vedanta, Sanathana Dharma and to serve the community and grow as contributors to society. They aspire to make this as a platform to share learnings and experiences.
Jnana Parampara is designed, developed and executed by our youth and articles are from young writers with versatile backgrounds. In that sense, Jnana Parampara is purely by the youth for the youth !!
This Youth Newsletter is now a staple of life for children in our community; an authentic outlet to express ourselves and to reach out and connect with others.
CLICK HERE to read the newsletter
The creative youth who tickled their mind and intellect and worked relentlessly for months in bringing you this newsletter are:
Aditya Pai
Aishwarya Nandakumar
Arjun Saraff
Kaavya Hegde
Rakshit Hegde
Sahana Madhyasta
Tanay Hegde
Varsha Prasad

Chairman's Message
Sri Gurubhyo Namah,
It gives me great pleasure to see that our youth at SVBF Canada have come forward to assemble and publish a Newsletter displaying their knowledge in various aspects and detailing the on-going activities at SVBF Canada. Our Sanatana Dharma is rich with values, culture, spirituality and required actions for the benefit of mankind. The youth taking a lead in interpreting and understanding these values and offering opportunities for all youth to participate is a great step forward.

This Newsletter is rich in content and contains various subjects of special interest to all Hindus-young and old. Our Hindu religion provides directions and guidance for people to lead a virtuous and fruitful life. The articles and pictures by the youth cover a wide range of aspects and I am truly impressed with their understanding, interpretation and communication skills. Such Newsletters offer opportunities for the overall understanding and spiritual development and future actions when they grow up.
I congratulate all youth team members and contributors of this Newsletter for initiating such an appealing Newsletter. I pray to Sharadamba and our Jagadgurus Sri Bharathi Teertha Swamiji and Sri Vidhushekara Bharathi Swamiji to bless our youth with guidance and knowledge to keep working and developing a respected Newsletter that will appeal to all Hindu youth worldwide. I am grateful for the team of adult advisors led by Prathibha Hampapur, Ravishankar Hulikal, Pannaga Adiga and Param Bhat for providing guidance and mentorship.
Dr. V. I. Lakshmanan
Chairman, SVBF Canada

Our Dedication
We humbly dedicate this Newsletter at the lotus feet of Maha Sannidhanam on the occasion of Divya Saptati-Purti Mahotsava and seek His blessings.
Sri Bharathi Theertha Mahaswamiji, the 36th Jagadguru Shankaracharya of Sri Sharada Peetham, Sringeri is one of the most revered pontiffs. He is held in high esteem by leading scholars for His erudition in sastras. His commitment to Sanatana Dharma is unquestionable and exceptional. He took his Deeksha from His Holiness Jagadguru Sri Abhinava Vidyatirtha Mahaswamiji, the 35th Acharya of Sringeri on 19 October 1989. Sri Bharathi Theertha Mahaswamiji’s breadth and depth of knowledge in tarka, nyaya, vedanta, mimamsa and vyakarana can be understood only by the most learned scholars. He is eloquent in Kannada, Telugu, Tamil and Hindi, and most significantly in Sanskrit. He gives regular public discourses which are well received by common people and respected by scholars. His memory of people, events and dates, besides the sastras, is legendary. Consistent with His deep commitment to spreading the tenets of Sanatana Dharma, His Holiness undertook several tours including nationwide tours. He started a number of veda and sastra pathashalas, educational institutions, food services to schools and rejuvenated hundreds of temples. With His discourses that are lucid and conforming to the letter of the sastras, He ever so passionately drives home the importance of adherence to dharma and faith in God. His years as the Sringeri pontiff have been packed with many glorious events and projects benefiting the devotees and the public at large. The extent of developmental works undertaken by the peetham during His period in Sringeri and around the country are enormous. During his tenure, we in the west in the USA and Canada were blessed with having Sharada peethams for our benefit. Mahaswamiji adores the Sharada Peetham as its 36th Shankaracharya showering His blessings on the multitude of devotees. (collected from various sources).
We humbly offer our pranaams and this Newsletter at His Lotus feet and seek his blessings.
Toronto; April 18, 2021